Sharing your thoughts and stories with others who have suffered loss is a necessary part of the healing process.

It is important to realise that you are not alone, that it can 'happen to anyone'.

Because of the sensitive nature of the topic, our stories page is strictly moderated. There will be no 'blame game', and it may take some time for your post to appear. Please be patient, and when you return you may be able to take comfort in the realisation that others share your pain and grief.

Together, we can share the hurt inside, and perhaps return some purpose to our daily lives.

Summer's Story

My name is Andrea. On the 30th June 2013, I lost my daughter to a tragic accident.

SummerSummer swallowed a lithium battery. In my grief I talk about Summer a lot, however I know a lot of parents don't talk.

The reasons are unnecessary guilt, fear of making people uncomfortable and because people really do not understand the pain.
Susan from Kidsafe Qld has come up with a great concept of a retreat for the families who have suffered tragic loss - and a page on this website - for the families to be able to talk freely and without judgement. It will provide great comfort and help with the healing process.

I believe this idea is amazing and much needed and I would love to help Susan and Kidsafe make this happen.
In both Summer's memory and the memory of all the children lost and injured, let's talk out loud without fear and with people who can truly understand.

          Andrea and Allison              Watch Sisters in Arms - ABC Australian Story on two brave mothers who each lost a daughter
to a button battery ingestion and their fight to raise awareness of the dangers and
for  button battery regulation. 

Dolly swallowed a button battery and it almost killed her. Doctors couldn't find what was wrong until it was almost too late.
She survived but requires ongoing medical treatment.  See her story on ABC's Australian Story.

Hunter required many surgeries after he swallowed a button battery. See his story.

1-2 Australian children die each year after being strangled by blind or curtain cords. Do your blinds conform to the Australian Standard? See this story - from years ago but still relevant today.

Your Story

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